Answered By: William Brandon
Last Updated: May 07, 2021     Views: 97

Search the library's collection of books, articles, and more using the main search box on the library homepage.

Enter what you know about the book, such as the author, title, or subject of items you're looking for.

The results page will look something like this example (this was a search for Their Eyes were Watching God):

library search results for their eyes were watching god

On the results page, you can narrow down your results using the options on the left-hand side of the screen where it says Refine This Search. To just see book results, look for Format and click the box next to Book.

E-books will have a blue button at the bottom of each search result that says View eBook. Physical books will have a location, call number, and a green check mark if the book is available.

If we do not have it available, you can click "Libraries Worldwide" on the left-hand side. This will broaden the  search to libraries beyond CBU.